AdRam is an automated revenue protection service.
We hunt down people using ad-blocking software and do with them what you say.
AdRam can just recover blocked ad or can use more complex monetization payloads.
AdRam is suitable for high-loaded projects. Integration without any server-side code.
Integration with any existing and working advertisement system.
Compatible with RTB and VAST industrial standards.
Unobtrusive integration without breaking things.
AdRam disarms 95% of ad blockers.
Complete self-service solution.
We can protect any advertisement code and make it unvulnerable to adblocks.
We can force user to view pre-roll video from any feed you need.
We can show to user rich media ads from any networks.
We can redirect ad blocker user anywhere you want.
We can show traditional banner ads to user.
AdRam supports RTB, VAST and other widely used industrial standards.
You can use your favorite inventory, work with familiar agencies and ad providers.
If you have traffic, but no ads — we can provide it for you too.
AdRam does not set limits on traffic or revenue.
Join us, get a code, deploy it.
Settings of AdRam are pretty simple but wide. You can just choose a payload and voila, it works.
Experienced users can setup postbacks, analytics and custom payloads.
After setup, you'll get cosy dashboard, detailed statistics and affable support.